Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Baby update!

Saw the doctor yesterday and everything is going well. She says I am right on target, I am 32 weeks now. I feel like I am in a countdown now instead of counting up!! Marianna moves around a lot these days. She particularly enjoys my right rib area....ouch!! As long as she is healthy and comfy that is all that matters, but I still can't believe how much it hurts some time. So much power for such a little person!! I will take some updated pics of her room soon, it is filling up quick, it is just about ready for her arrival. Being 32 weeks pregnant reminds me of my niece Lilly, who was born at 32 weeks, that little stinker just couldn't wait to see us!! She is as perfect as can be..but I'm hoping that Marianna decides to cook a little longer than her!! Love you Lilly!!
We also had our orientation to the Birth Place at the hospital yesterday. They focus on natural family centered births. It is beautiful there and the staff is really nice. Now we need to make our birth plan and then we will meet with a nurse again to go over that. Hopefully all of the rooms won't be full when I go into labor, it would be so nice to be able to deliver there.

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